Sunday, May 15, 2011

Key To The City

Once the entry was done, it was time to decorate.  I've been scouring the interwebs for decorating ideas and came across this vintage keys post on another blog.  I thought it was such a cute idea for the entry!

So we set out in search of vintage looking keys and other decor stuff at the Goodwill.  Instead of finding a few smaller keys, Grant found a GIANT key!

So we snapped that right up.  We thought about what to do with it, leave or or frame it?  We decided to frame it, thinking it would look smarter and more finished.  So we set out to look for a frame.  We found a great shadow box type frame that was filled with unattractive potpourri.

When we got everything home, we set to work right away.  We started by pulling the back off of the frame.  It was stapled on, so Grant took a wire cutter (I guess we couldn't find a regular pliers) to them to pull them out.

Then I set to work pulling off all of the nasty, old potpourri from the back.  It was all hot glued on, so it wasn't an easy task

It looks better in the garbage, don't you agree?

 After trying to sand down the hot glue residue, we gave up and flipped the back over.  Then we spray painted the back black.  I started, but my hands aren't quite strong enough to finish up the task...

So, Grant took over.

Once it was dry, we were ready to finish it up.

I had cleaned the glass the best I could, then placed the key in the frame.  We thought we might need to glue or screw the key in place so it wouldn't move, but the pressure along from just barely fitting into the frame was enough to keep it in place.

Grant screwed the back back on.

And it was ready to go!  Looks pretty good! And it only cost us about 7 bucks to make! What a bargain!

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