Sunday, April 24, 2011

Funny Little Garage Sale Find

Last weekend our good friends Mike and Marci came down from Brainerd to help us finish up our painting.  Well, that didn't happen.  But Marci and I did make it to the community ed garage sale at the elementary school on Saturday.  I've been on a constant search for decor since our house is so sparsely decorated right now and I thought I might be able to pick up a few gems at the sale.

I didn't really find anything for decor purposes, but I did find something I knew we could use.  I found a coffee table! And it just happened to match PERFECTLY the two side tables that Grant brought from the farm.  They're all UGLY and I can't wait to replace them all, but for a whopping 3 bucks, I could hardly pass up the deal.  Plus she threw in a free magazine rack!  Finally, I have a place to store all those magazines I plan on reading... someday.

The best part of the whole thing was getting it home.  I didn't intend on buying any large items at the sale and it didn't quite fit in the trunk of my car, but we got it home none the less.  After I got it in the house and cleaned the snow off it (PLEASE GO AWAY!!! WE CAN'T TAKE IT ANY MORE!!!) and set it up in the living room, I went to brag about my find to my honey.  While I was up in the bedroom, talking to Grant, dear friend Mike came up to tell us that the coffee table I had purchased not yet an hour ago had been his mother's!! NO JOKE!! Apparently, his brother had owned it last and right before he moved out of his house, he had sold it on a garage sale.  Mike said it just had to be the same on because on the top of the table were the same three marks that had been on the table his brother had owned.  Talk about a small world!  And here's the kicker:  Our dining room table is from Mike's mom, too!  I guess we're just destined to have all of Kathy's old tables.

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