Thursday, March 8, 2012

Clutter Jail

I promised to further explain "Clutter Jail" in my last post, so here it goes.  Last week I reached my breaking point with all of the toys and miscellaneous kid stuff strewn about the house.  I had stepped over my last Matchbox Car and Grant had stepped on his last Lego.  We had talked briefly about another Pinterest post I had seen and wanted to try.  This one was about Clutter Jail.

Image Borrowed From

My Little Helper Monkey's To Dos

I just replied to a blog post I found on Pinterest about chores for toddlers and preschoolers and realized just how much my little guy does around the house!  I was replying to a blog post on Nice Girl Notes about some of the chores that her girls do around her house.  A lot of the chores her girls do, my little guy does, too, and I didn't realize just how much he does around the house until I started writing it down in my reply!

Here are some of the chores wee-man does around the house:

  • Picks up after himself:  This means his toys, fort supplies, art projects, play-doh, puzzles, books, etc., etc. need to be picked up and put back in their proper homes before 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Upgraded Boot Tray

A couple weeks ago my BFF, Katie, introduced me to Pinterest.  OMG! It is my new obsession!  There are sooooo many good ideas out there!  I was a little resistant at first when she told me that I just HAD to join because it was so cool.  Well, I am so super glad that I did.  I have been inspired in so many different ways.

I have boards for foods that I want to try once I'm done with my diet, ideas for my home, things to do with Luke, etc, etc.  I have gotten so many good ideas to do in my house.  One of them was the pebble-filled boot tray.  The original link was to Martha Stewart.

Now, my old boot tray was nothing to write home about.  It served its purpose, but wasn't much to look at.  It kept the melting snow from ruining the laminate flooring in the entry, but it looked dirty and gross.   And I never did like the way it looked with the way the rest of the entry is decorated.

Then along comes Martha!  

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

March Resolutions

Well, it's been quite some time since I've been on here.  I guess life just kinda caught up with me and I forgot all about it.

We've done a few smaller projects around the house and maybe after some running around tomorrow, I'll finally get to posting some of those.  I know you're all eager to see what has transpired over the last how many months.  Nothing real major; mostly decorative touches here and there.

I have definitely kept busy over the past few months